Painting of the new hall

Grade 10s visiting the new school hall being built

Grade 10s visiting the new school hall being built

Grade Four at lmpact One lnitiative library

Grade Four at lmpact One lnitiative library

Grade Four at lmpact One lnitiative library

Careers Day - Doctors

Careers Day - Engineers

Careers Day - Security Personnel

Careers Day - Pastors

Careers Day - Pilots

Delivery of the steel frames which are to be welded and hoisted onto the foundation.

Pouring of the cement on the foundation floors.

The backfilling of the foundation.

The school board meeting before visiting the school hall site.

The school board at the building site reviewing the progress.

Students getting a close look at the construction.

Staff having a walkthrough of the school hall construction site.

Staff having a walkthrough of the school hall construction site.
Digging of the foundation of the school hall.

Marking up of the school hall foundation.
Demolition of the school hall site.
Demolition of the school hall site.

Students talking with Rosemary Mumbi.
Classroom time.
The performance of a school drama.

Students in the science labs.

Staff performance at assembly.

No bags Day celebration 1

No bags Day celebration 2

Staff meeting with vistors

New Computer Science room 1

New library 1